Essential Questions To Ask In Your Training Evaluation Survey

Our training survey question template will help you get actionable student experience insights, and identify positive testimonials.

Training evaluation questions help you get actionable feedback on your training program– helping you refine your offering to improve the learning experience for future students.

But what should you ask? And when should you ask it?

You can get a head start by downloading our course evaluation survey template here:

Download the Training Survey Questions Template: Download Now

Why ask training evaluation questions?

By asking training evaluation questions to course participants, you can get constructive feedback on your course design, delivery, and content – helping you refine your training course and make it even better.

Training evaluation questions can tell you more about customers’ opinions on:

A training evaluation survey can help to shape your course to your learners’ needs and make your training program more effective.

Three main stages of a training evaluation survey

When you are conducting a training evaluation survey, it helps to break your survey down into three categories:

Whichever you choose, make sure you add a clear call to action when there is an opportunity to provide feedback on the course to improve training evaluation survey participation – like within the course player experience, or as an automated email.

Survey question types

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Read on to learn about our ready-to-use training evaluation question examples .

Questions to ask students before taking the course

Use training evaluation questions before your course starts to get a clearer picture of what your learners hope to achieve by taking your course. You can also conduct a training evaluation survey to assess how well your customer onboarding process is.

Learner expectations

Asking training evaluation questions that focus on your learners’ expectations before the start of the course allows you to get a clearer idea on what content they want to see. These types of training evaluation questions can help you to understand how your course matches up to what people are looking for and gives you the opportunity to tweak your course as needed.

Try these ideas for pre-course training evaluation questions to help you drill down on what learners really want:

Course preparation

Once the course has started, you can also ask for feedback on the pre-course preparation. This is important to make sure you are making a good first impression and hitting your onboarding targets.

Here are some pre-course training evaluation question examples to try:

Questions to ask students during the course

Of course, any effective training evaluation survey also needs to include questions about the course itself, including delivery, content and the overall structure.

After every lesson you can deliver a training evaluation survey to find out if and how the lesson is helping participants reach their learning objectives. You could also use training evaluation surveys to see if learners understood the content of the course.

Course content

If you want to find out more about the quality of your course content, try these training evaluation questions:

Course structure

Asking questions about the course structure also gives you a chance to gain insights into your learning path and any obstacles experienced by learners along the way.

Here are some training evaluation questions examples to give you a hand in designing your survey:

Course delivery

To find out more about your course delivery, try asking these training evaluation questions:

Course instructor

Your training evaluation questions should also include space for learners to share their experience with your course instructors . While you might be reluctant to hear what participants have to say about your instruction – especially if you’re the one delivering the course – this section of your training evaluation survey should not be missed!

Here are some training evaluation questions examples to use:

Course timing

You might also like to include questions on the duration of the course in your training evaluation survey. This will give you feedback on your learning path, helping you to decide whether your course needs more content or could do with being broken down into several different courses.

Learning experience and course design

When it comes to online learning, the quality of the learning experience matters a lot. Few learners will have the patience to take an online course if the learning platform is not functioning properly. That means it’s really important to get feedback on the UX/UI for your course so you can address problems as quickly as possible.

Try asking these questions in your training evaluation survey:

Course accessibility

Here are some ideas for training evaluation questions centered on accessibility:

Technical questions

You might want to include technical questions in your training evaluation survey. These can help you to identify any technical faults that may be preventing learners from accessing your course resources.

Here are some sample training evaluation survey questions for technical problems:

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Post-training survey questions

When your learners have completed the course, it’s the perfect opportunity to issue a training evaluation survey to get honest feedback on their experience. A training evaluation survey can help you learn more about the learner satisfaction and overall customer experience.

Here are some ideas for training evaluation questions.

Certificates and awards

Certificates and awards can help learners feel a greater sense of achievement at the end of a course, while also helping with motivation through the course and professional growth. If you offer a certificate as part of your course, it’s a good idea to get feedback on this in your post-training evaluation survey.

Try adding these questions to your survey:

Learner satisfaction

As well as gathering data on the learner experience during the course, it is also important to get an idea of your learner satisfaction overall. High learner satisfaction is the key to winning more business, so you don’t want to skip this step.

Here are some learner satisfaction questions to use in your training evaluation survey:

Pro Tip: If someone is likely to recommend the course to a friend, consider reaching out to them for a testimonial to add to your website.

Post-course experience

When learners have finished the course, you can also add training evaluation questions on the post-course experience and follow-up process, helping you gain more information on learners’ experience after training ends.

Check out these survey evaluation question examples to get started:

What tools can you use for survey evaluation questions?

There are a range of different tools you can use to deliver survey evaluation questions. To easily collate information from your training evaluation questions, it’s a good idea to use a content management system.

Thinkific has a survey tool built into the course creation platform to make designing your training evaluation survey as easy as possible.

Using these training evaluation questions in practice

Now is your chance to use these training evaluation questions in real life! Create your training evaluation survey using the Thinkific survey builder and start receiving feedback from your course today!

Download the Training Survey Questions Template: Download Now

This article was originally published July 2021, and was updated to include an additional Training Needs Assessment Template.

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Colin Burton

Colin is a Content Marketer at Thinkific, writing about everything from online entrepreneurship & course creation to digital marketing strategy.

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