What are the Types of School Records? Registers & Records Details

What are the Types of School Records? Registers & Records Details

Records and registers in educational organizations tend to serve beyond their widespread conjecture of cataloging information and events. Ever since humans learned accounting, recording data has been more than just about entering a bunch of numbers and words into a book; It is an intellectual act of maintaining evidence of a happening. A well-organized record reflects the potency of an educational institution whilst enabling the latter to serve or present any documented information at the time of need. Depending upon the purpose and the objective, K-12 educational institutions need to adopt different types of school records to note down the information.

Whether the objective is recording the attendance of students and teachers or, documenting fee transactions ; organizing the data systematically in books or computers gives a proper insight during futurities. Unlike the search-and-find complexities that arise after noting down the information in books, recording the information on computers empowers schools with the ability to quickly lookup and review any requested info readily with a single click.

Student & Teacher Attendance Register

One of the most widely used registers in schools! Prior to the implantation of computers into schools, the latter relied on register books to make a note of absentees and presentees. Though the process seems simple, recording attendance on paper tends to create bundles and bundles of books.

Whether it is a student in the classroom or a teacher at the school, recording and tracking their attendance is essential to evaluate their performance and regularity, respectively. Registering the attendance on a book won’t suffice for the evaluations, assessing the performance of a student or regularity of a teacher requires additional record books. Computerising the process of managing the attendance can cut down on paper usage. To do so an educational ERP software comes in handy.

Teacher Leave Register

Granting different types of leave for teachers and non-teaching staff in accordance with the conditions can sometimes become tiresome. Whether it is a sick leave or a casual leave, tracking time-offs of staff is essential for salary calculations or further leave request approvals.

A leave management system thoroughly keeps a track of all the leave requests appealed by the staff and approvals granted by the authorities. Moreover, by automating the leave processes, the school management can spare time on more important operations pertaining to the institution, knowing that the system is streamlining the procedure. The only thing the administration needs to do is sanction the time-off by reviewing the information on the screen.

The digitized school calendar allows the school management to quickly share a detailed plan of school days and vacation dates for a particular academic year. Moreover, the edit feature in the digital school calendar enables the school administration to adjust or alter the schedules, accordingly, at the time of need. Upon making the subsequent changes, the School Management Software applications that accommodate the school calendar module, allow the administrator to share the modified calendar with parents and students.

Student Health Record Book

A student's health records provide an instructive awareness about the student’s state of health. The health register stores various information about the student’s vaccinations, health check-ups, doctor visits, and many more.

Storing such important info in books can be hectic and laborious. Thus, utilizing a school ERP software with a good records management system built into it, empowers the administration to track various attributes concerning a student’s health.

Fee & Accounts Register

A fee and accounts register is one of the most crucial and fundamental components of a school. Since the records deal with fee transactions and other payment information, caution is very necessary to perform the operations.

Be it student’s fees or miscellaneous expenditures relating to the school, accounts and fee management system can help in automating a-z payments. Moreover, receipt and bill generation is also simplified in the system. Additionally, the system empowers the school management to collect and receive payments online, and generate receipts for the transactions.

EduSys - All-In-One School Management Software

EduSys is an all-in-one school management software designed to automate all the end-to-end educational institutions’ operations. You name it, EduSys automates it! One of the talk about features of the software is its capacity to simplify records management. Be it recording admission details or managing fee transactions, Edusys streamlines all the procedures, thereby reducing human effort whilst saving expenditures for the school on unwanted areas.

19 Apr 2022