Residential Water Rates

This rate schedule applies to services for single-family residences, single-family with guest house, and individually metered homes. For more details and to view total water tier rates as shown on your bill, go to Schedule A – Single-Dwelling Unit Residential Customers.

Your residential rate has four tiers and each tier has its own rate. Tier 1 represents indoor, basic needs use which is met by the lowest cost water sources. All customers receive 8 HCF monthly in Tier 1. Tiers 2 and 3 are for outdoor use and are allocated on lot size (five lot sizes); temperature zone (low, medium, and high); and season (summer and winter). These tiers are based on the higher cost of providing more expensive purchased water. The cost for Tier 4 comes from the most costly sources of water supply.

Tier Use Description
Tier 1 Basic indoor use Least expensive water sources
Tier 2 Efficient drought resistant outdoor water use Some expensive water sources
Tier 3 Above average outdoor use More expensive water sources
Tier 4 Excessive use Most costly water sources

Winter Rate

During the winter, tiers are based on lot size only. All temperature zones receive the same amount of water. For the summer, hotter temperature zones are provided a slightly higher allotment to meet the needs of higher temperatures.

WINTER - October through May

Lot Size Groups
(sq. ft.)

Bimonthly Winter Usage Blocks (in HCF*) - All temperature zones

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4